
March 2, 2011

Applications open!

Dear friends,
It's been a great year for the Social Service League. We've had over 700 blood donors, close to 900 members, revived the Cheshire Home project, instituted a new one in the form of G. I. Joe, conducted a sustainable Project Care, an incredible Exhibition and publicity campaign, an insane Rural Camp (if you know what I mean) and a Workshops department with fantastic ideas. Also, even if I do say so myself, the Executive Committee of 2010 - 2011 has been rather killer. Fr. Terry, as always, has been, well, himself.

All of the above, and so much else besides, was possible due to the dedication of the Secretariat, a core group of about 20 to 25 people that run the various projects of the SSL and contribute to its functioning throughout the year. It is our pleasure to inform you that applications to be a part of this close knit and elite group are now open. The format is:

Necessary details
Past experience (SSL and otherwise)
Why are you applying to the SSL Secretariat?
What new things do you think the SSL should do/take up, if any?
Elaborately explain, especially in case of a new project, what exactly you would like to do as a part of the Secretariat and how you would manage and implement these ideas.
Mention three of your skills/talents?
Describe the SSL in three words or less.

Anything else you want to add.

Word association, quick!
1. Project –
2. Terry –
3. Aadi –
4. Ambition –
5. Exec –

If you feel worried, confused or are otherwise caused discomfort by any of the above questions, by all means omit them. You may email your applications to or drop them off at the SSL office or at Fr. Terry's.

The projects we're retaining from last year are:
Blood Drive
Cheshire Home
Creatives (Publicity reinvented)
G. I. Joe (modified)
Project Care
Rural Camp

Thus your options comprise, but are not limited to, the above projects.
We look forward to welcoming you to our family. Last date to apply is the 15th of June.

The SSL.

P.S. - For any queries or doubts feel free to contact us at or:

Elton - 9867952811
Herold - 9920304714
Neil - 9821827726
Vaishali - 9833800132
Nihar Nair - 9820819844

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